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Planned water outages are sometimes needed to keep The Village of Hyde Park's drinking water system flowing with safe and reliable water. These outages are scheduled in advance whenever possible and allow our hardworking crew to perform regular maintenance and make repairs.


While we work to ensure that planned water outages are as short as possible, we know they are still impactful to customers. Depending on the circumstances and timeline of the outage, we will do our best to let our customers know in advance. The primary methods that we use for communication are as follows:


  1. A door hanger or bill insert may be delivered to your home prior to the scheduled water outage. The door hanger or insert will contain the date, time, and duration of the outage and a number to call if you have questions. 

  2. Information may be found on our homepage as well as posted to our social media. 



Preparing for a Planned Water Outage


Before the water outage:

  • Fill pots on the stove with water for cooking.

  • Fill a couple of buckets with water for washing.

  • Fill potable water containers for drinking. Assume about one gallon of drinking water per person per day.

  • Fill bathtubs with water and use buckets to flush toilets. A toilet will flush when approximately a gallon of water is dumped into the bowl.


During the water outage:

Try not to operate the water faucets. This will prevent air from entering your plumbing.


Discolored Water After an Outage

Water outages can sometimes disturb the direction or flow of water in the Village drinking water system. When this happens, customers in or near the outage area may experience temporary discolored water. Discolored water comes from internal pipe rust and sediment getting stirred up when the water is turned on after an outage.


The water should clear on its own. Try running the cold water for a few minutes to see if it is clearing or still discolored. If the water does not clear, let the water sit for one to two hours. Then, run cold water for a few minutes in your bathtub or shower. If your home is located on a dead-end line, it may take longer to clear up. If the water remains discolored after attempting the described methods, please contact our office at 802.888.2310.


Avoid running hot water if the cold water is discolored. This will minimize filling the hot water tank with turbid water. If you are washing clothes at the time, it is better to stop the cycle while it is full and wait until clean water is available to finish. If you allow the water to empty from the washing machine and go into the spin cycle it is more likely to cause permanent staining to the laundry items.

Village of Hyde Park

167 Main Street

P.O. Box 400

Hyde Park, VT 05655


T: 802.888.2310

F: 802.888.6878


M-F 7:30AM-4:00PM

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