Be Safe & Prepared
Working safely requires concentration and teamwork. Please stay clear of lineworkers on a job site. Their work requires concentration and attention to their tasks. The lineworker in the bucket (or on pole) relies on the lineworker(s) on the ground for support and attention to any safety issues that could arise. A crew working in a trench box requires the same level of concentration and teamwork. Thank You!
If someone in your home depends on equipment powered by electricity, have a contingency plan in place to include backup power or an alternative location until the outage is over.
Stock up on non-perishable foods, heating fuel and medication.
Have a flashlight, battery-powered radio and fresh batteries on hand.
Keep your phone charged and a solar recharging unit ready for additional charging.
Have an Emergency Supply Kit on hand.
Fill your bathtub and spare containers with water if you have an electric water pump or the water district issues an outage alert.
Prepare older family members, friends and neighbors who live alone.
Call 911 for emergencies
Consider any and all lines you encounter as energized and dangerous. Always avoid contact with wires running overhead, including indirect contact through other items (i.e ladders, branches, etc). Do not climb a tree if lines/wires are in contact with the tree. Hanging signs or posters on power poles is dangerous and illegal. These may leave nails/staples in the pole which can damage lineworkers equipment and endanger their lives. Any signs found attached to Hyde Park Electric poles will be removed and discarded.
Vermont law requires that you contact Dig Safe at 1-888-DIG-SAFE (1-888-344-7233) at least 48 hours before digging to prevent personal injury, as well as damage to buried underground utility facilities. Reference V103 HYD PRK when speaking with a Dig Safe Rep.
Tampering with a water or electric meter is a crime and poses serious health and safety hazards. These risks extend beyond just the individual who modifies the meter, but to the community at large. Accurate metering allows us to efficiently measure and record customer usage which in turn allows for the effective management of the power and water supply systems. This management allows for fair and reasonable billing of customers.