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Quotation from the Land Use Handbook

from Vermont League of

Cities and Towns: 


The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires government officials (such as local zoning boards) to provide citizens with due process when depriving them of life, liberty, or property.  Black’s Law Dictionary defines due process as “the conduct of legal proceedings according to established rules and principles…including notice and the right to a fair hearing ...” Thus, at a minimum, the U.S. Constitution requires local zoning boards to provide citizens with orderly proceedings, adequate notice, and the right to a hearing.

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The Village Board of Trustees employ a Zoning Administrator directly responsible for Land Use and Development Regulations.


Zoning hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM. 


To schedule an appointment with the Zoning Administrator, email or call (802) 888.2310.


It is important to start the permitting process as soon as possible.


  • Thoroughly review the ZONING REGULATIONS, locate your zoning district and gather all information needed to complete the application for compliance review by the Administrator.


  • Complete a ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION and provide a detailed drawing (site plan) to show parcel size, setbacks, building placement and size, proposed use, and sufficient detail and descriptions to allow the Administrator to perform a compliance review.


  • State and Town permits are your responsibility. Review the "Ask a Permit Specialist Brochure" and call 1.800.974.9559 to discuss your project with a specialist.​


Town Zoning Administrator (802) 888-2300

Town application for driveway access permit


  • A complete application contains the ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION and FEES. Send  to Village of Hyde Park, ATTN: Zoning, P.O. Box 400, Hyde Park, VT 05655, or deliver to the office. If you have questions, please schedule an appointment by calling (802) 888-2310.


  • The Administrator will review a complete application within thirty (30) days. There is an appeal period of fifteen (15) days following Administrator approval. A condition of the permit may require that all State and Town permits are provided.


  • The Development Review Board ("DRB") reviews applications that require waiver of dimensional or setback standards, conditional use permits, subdivisions, major or minor site plan reviews.





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