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Funds come from voluntary contributions (“Gifts”) and/or (“Roundup”) made by HPE utility customers. HPE holds Community Fund contributions in a separate fund account, establish annual guidelines, and awards incentives. An energy audit, together with a written report and cost estimate, is required. HPE will typically refer energy audits to the HYDE PARK ENERGY COMMITTEE, with Efficiency Vermont assisting as needed.




The fund will utilize income limits established by the Vermont Agency of Human Services, Department for Children and Families, Weatherization Program. In addition to meeting Vermont’s Weatherization Program income limits, the lower income household applicant is fully qualified by all seven criteria:

  1. The Self-Certification Application must be made by the owner of the home served by Hyde Park Electric;

  2. The owner who signed the application must reside in the home on a full-time basis;

  3. The home is not currently for sale or rent;

  4. The owner of the home is current on all bills;

  5. The owner of the home is not a member of the Board of Trustees, Village Planning Commission, Village DRB, or employee of the Village of Hyde Park;

  6. The owner of the home is not a member of the family of those listed in #5. Member of the family includes husband, wife, partner, mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle.

  7. An energy audit, together with a written report and cost estimate, is required. The Village plans to refer energy audits to the Town Energy Committee.



Once the fund reaches a level to allocate incentives, HPE will announce that Self-Certification Applications are available in the office and online.


All Roundup and GIFT amounts go to the COMMUNITY FUND.


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